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Italian Open (57 Campionato Nazionale)

Vom 24. Aug. bis 26. Aug. 2017

Kontakt: Filippo Berardo

Ranglistenfaktor: 1.4


Lago di Como




Platz Boot Steuermann Vorschoter
1 3776 ITA Federico Quondamatteo Andrea Farina
2 3718 ITA Antonio Cicchine Anna Benamati
3 3804 ITA Stefano Grulli Silvia Ghirri
4 3806 ITA Santi Marino Fabio Mallegni
5 3124 ITA Magdalena Zabrzewska Gianluigi Corbellari
6 3816 ITA Stefano Agnoli Chiara Agnoli
7 3828 ITA Paolo Consoli Federico Consoli
8 3819 ITA Daria Marino Alexej Mauceri
9 3738 ITA Lorenzo Del Zozzo Alex Titherington
10 3813 ITA Valter Mazzella Alessandro Zacchera
11 3829 ITA Laura Degani Gian Paolo Grosselli
12 3736 ITA Giovanni Moroni Leonardo Ceccherini


Three days, nine races, wonderful wind conditions and seeing lots of friends.

GEAS-NBC Vela Colico has just hosted the Italian Open 2017 and they couldn’t have done it better!

The day before racing started they welcomed all the sailors with a pre-dinner party, the perfect way to start a championship, in my opinion.

After a short briefing with the judges and the race committee, we went out on the water on the first sailing day. The wind was amazing, regular and strong enough to let us have fun sailing three amazing races. After this first day Federico and Andrea (ITA 3776) were already leading the fleet of twelve boats. Could they stay in front the upcoming days…?

The morning of the second day the jury wanted us to go sailing a little earlier so we met all together for the annual assembly early in the morning. During the first race the wind was not as strong as the day before, but later in the afternoon it increased to a stronger breeze comparable to the first day. So also the second day provided us the right wind to have three amazing, technical and funny races.

The last day was just as amazing as the two before. The gap between the teams was not large so everything could happen. And after other three intense races the podium was established: at the third place Stefano and Silvia (one of the youngest team participating) ITA 3804, at the second place Antonio and Anna ITA 3718, and the highest step of the podium was reserved for Federico and Andrea ITA 3776, the new Italian Champions of 2017!!!

But the prize giving was not finished yet when the first three places received their prizes, this year our ex-president Walter wanted to give some special prizes to teams to support their effort. So he gave a prize to Giovanni and Leonardo ITA 3736, who finished last but only because of a problem with their boat. The other two teams who received a prize were Laura and Gian Paolo ITA 3829 to “wake up” themselves (the words Walter used) and try to do it better next time. Also Paolo and Federico ITA 3828 who finish seventh, so almost half fleet, had to “wake up” themselves too. Since if you finish first of the second part of the ranking, next time you have to finish in the first half of the ranking! These “wake up” prizes turned out to be two LARGE bells!!

The races weren’t the only nice thing on this great event, on Friday night the hosting club organized a dinner with good Italian food, typical from Piemonte, and a really taste wine produced by the club.

So thanks to everyone who worked hard to organize such an amazing championship!!!

Daria Marino ITA 3819